Water Supply

Automatic Pump Activation in Case of Water Shortage
Water Supply Management


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In many cases, a pumping station controls the water supply based on time events or water levels. The installation of such a system often includes wired control networks. However, the line quality may not be very good, or there may not even be a wired network in place yet, in which case transmission via modem is not an option.

In such a scenario, our DxGO multipoint telecontrol system can be of help. With this system, it is possible to set up a decentralized distributed management of the facility based on GSM. A DxGO station in the elevated tank registers a low water level and transmits this information to pumping station A. The DxGO device at location A interprets the message and activates the pump if water is available. If there is not enough water available to resupply the tank, the message can be forwarded to pumping station B, which then takes over the refill of the elevated tank.

At the same time, each of these events can be reported to one or several cell phones or fax machines. If the operator, for example, receives a message from both pumping stations that they have insufficient water reserves to fill the tank, he can manually activate another pumping station by sending an SMS form his cell phone.

DxGO stations are freely configurable. The above-mentioned situation requires no central control station or any kind of additional infrastructure. The whole system is fully automated and delivers status information whenever needed.

If installation of a telecontrol system becomes necessary at a later time, the existing DxGO units can remain in use without any change to the hardware. Only a change in the configuration needs to be made, which is also possible from a remote location. Thus, it is possible to start out with a small localized system which can later be extended into a complete telecontrol system. Because of these possibilities the operator has the greatest possible protection of investment.

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Characteristics of the telecontrol station DxGO GSM-Control:


Wasserverband Zimmersrode (water supply in the town of Zimmersrode)

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